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Refereed Journal Papers
GEROSA Marco A.; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita. "Can AI Serve as a Substitute for Human Subjects in Software Engineering Research?", Automated Software Engineering Journal [PDF].
SANTOS, Fabio; VARGOVICH, Joseph; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; SANTOS, Italo; PENNEY, Jacob; BRITTO, Ricardo; PIMENTEL, João Felipe; WIESE, Igor ; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Tag that issue: applying API-domain labels in issue tracking systems. Empir. Softw. Eng. 28(5): 116 (2023) [PDF]
MATSUBARA, Patrícia G. F.; STEINMACHER, Igor; GADELHA, Bruno; CONTE, Tayana. Much more than a prediction: Expert-based software effort estimation as a behavioral act. Empir. Softw. Eng. 28(4): 98 (2023)
WESSEL, Mairieli; ZAIDMAN, Andy; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; STEINMACHER, Igor. Guidelines for Developing Bots for GitHub. IEEE Softw. 40(3): 72-79 (2023) [PDF]
LIMA, Marcia; STEINMACHER, Igor; FORD, Denae; LIU, Evangeline; VORREUTER, Grace; CONTE, Tayana; GADELHA, Bruno, "Looking for related posts on GitHub discussions", PeerJ Comput. Sci.. Vol. 9, pp. e1567 (2023) [Open Access Paper]
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; WIESE, Igor Scaliante; SARMA, Anita; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio; STEINMACHER, Igor. Women's Participation in Open Source Software: A Survey of the Literature. In: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (2022) [PDF]
MATSUBARA, Patricia; STEINMACHER, Igor; GADELHA, Bruno; CONTE, Tayana. SEXTAMT: A systematic map to navigate the wide seas of factors affecting expert judgment software estimates. Journal of Systems and Software 185: 111148 (2022) [PDF]
CALEFATO, Fabio; GEROSA, Marco A.; IAFFALDANO, Giuseppe; LANUBILE, Filippo; STEINMACHER, Igor. Will You Come Back to Contribute? Investigating the Inactivity of OSS Core Developers in GitHub. Empirical Software Engineering (2021) [PDF]
KULA, Raula Gaikovina; TREUDE, Christoph; HATA, Hideaki, BALTES, Sebastian, STEINMACHER, Igor, GEROSA, Marco A; AMINI, Winifred Kula.
Challenges for Inclusion in Software Engineering: The Case of the Emerging Papua New Guinean Society. IEEE Software 39(3): 67-76 (2022) [PDF]
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; STEINMACHER, Igor. Women in Open Source: We Need to Talk About It. Computer 55(12): 145-149 (2022) [PDF]
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; GUIZANI, Mariam; WIESE, Igor Scaliante; CONTE, Tayana U.; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio; SARMA, Anita; STEINMACHER, Igor. Pots of Gold at the End of the Rainbow: What is Success for Open Source Contributors? In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. (2021) [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; BALALI, Sogol; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; GUIZANI, Mariam; IZQUIERDO, Daniel; ZAMBRANO, Griselda Cuevas; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio; SARMA, Anita. Being a Mentor in Open Source Projects. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. (2021) [PDF]
OLIVEIRA, Edson; FERNANDES, Eduardo; STEINMACHER, Igor; CRISTO, Marco; CONTE, Tayana; GARCIA, Alessandro. Code and commit metrics of developer productivity: a study on team leaders' perceptions. Empirical Software Engineering (2020) [PDF]
PADALA, Susmita H.; MENDEZ, Christopher J.; DIAS, Luiz F.; STEINMACHER, Igor.; HANSON, Zoe S.; HILDEBRAND, Claudia; HORVATH, Amber; HILL, Charles; SIMPSON, Logan Dale; BURNETT, Margaret; GEROSA, Marco A.; SARMA, Anita. How Gender-biased Tools Shape Newcomer Experiences in OSS Projects. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2020) [PDF]
SILVA, Jefferson; WIESE, Igor; GERMAN, Daniel; TREUDE, Christoph; GEROSA, Marco A.; STEINMACHER, Igor. Google Summer of Code: Student Motivations and Contributions. Journal of Systems and Software v. 99 (2020) [PDF]
WIESE, Igor Scaliante; KURODA, Rodrigo; STEINMACHER, Igor; OLIVA, Gustavo Ansaldi; TREUDE, Christoph; GEROSA, Marco A. Are Pieces of Contextual Information Suitable for Predicting Co-Changes? An Empirical Study. Software Quality Journal, 2019 [PDF]
SHOLLER, Dan; STEINMACHER, Igor; FORD, Denae; AVERICK, Mara; HOYE, Mike; WILSON, Greg. Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects. PLoS Computational Biology 15.9 (2019) [Open access paper]
ROBLES, Gregorio; STEINMACHER, Igor; ADAMS, Paul; TREUDE, Christoph. Twenty Years of Open Source Software: From Skepticism to Mainstream. IEEE Software 36(6): 12-15 (2019) [Open Access Paper]
STEINMACHER, Igor; TREUDE, Christoph; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Let me in: Guidelines for the Successful Onboarding of Newcomers to Open Source Projects, IEEE Software, v.PP (99), 2018. [PDF]
SILVA, Williamson; STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana. Students’ and instructors’ perceptions of five different active learning strategies used to teach software modeling. IEEE Access (2019) [Open Access Paper]
PINTO, Gustavo; STEINMACHER, Igor; DIAS, Luiz Felipe; GEROSA, Marco A. On the Challenges of Open-Sourcing Proprietary Software Projects. In: Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 2018 [PDF]
BALALI, Sogol; STEINMACHER, Igor; ANNAMALAI, Umayal; SARMA, Anita; GEROSA, Marco A. Newcomers' Barriers... Is That All? An Analysis of Mentors' and Newcomers' Barriers in OSS Projects. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2018 [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U.; REDMILES, David F.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Overcoming Social Barriers When Contributing to Open Source Software Projects. In: Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 2018. p. 1-44. [PDF]
DIAS, Luiz Felipe; STEINMACHER, Igor; PINTO, Gustavo, Who Drives Company-Owned OSS Projects: Internals or Externals Members? Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 2018 [PDF]
BERGAMINI, Anderson; STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor Scaliante, Characterizing the hyperspecialists in the context of Crowdsourcing Software Development. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 2018 [PDF]
ZANATTA, Alexandre L.; STEINMACHER, Igor; MACHADO, Leticia S.; de SOUZA, Cleidson R. B.; PRIKLACNICKI, Rafael. Barriers Faced by Newcomers in Software Crowdsourcing Projects, IEEE Software, 2017.
WIESE, Igor Scaliante; RÉ, Reginaldo; STEINMACHER, Igor; KURODA, Rodrigo T.; OLIVA, Gustavo Ansaldi; TREUDE, Christoph; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Using contextual information to predict co-change. The Journal of Systems and Software, v. 128, p. 1, 2017. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; GRACIOTTO SILVA, Marco A.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; REDMILES, David F. A systematic literature review on the barriers faced by newcomers to open source software projects. Information and Software Technology, v. 59, p. 67-85, 2015. [PDF]
WIESE, Igor Scaliante; NASSIF JUNIOR, Douglas; RÉ, Reginaldo; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A. Comparing communication and development networks for predicting file change proneness: An exploratory study considering process and social metrics. Electronic Communications of the EASST, v. 65, p. 1-15, 2014. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor; SCHWERZ, André Luís; ROBERTO, Rafael Liberato; FERREIRA, João Eduardo; GEROSA, Marco A. Historical Analysis of Message Contents to Recommend Issues to Recommend Issues to Open Source Software Contributors. RESI: Revista Eletrônica de Sistemas de Informação, v. 13, p. 6, 2014. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; CHAVES, Ana Paula; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Awareness Support in Distributed Software Development: A Systematic Review and Mapping of the Literature. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, v. 22, p. 113-158, 2013. [PDF]
CHAVES, Ana Paula; STEINMACHER, Igor; LEAL, Gislaine Camila Lapasini; BIASAO, Alberto B.; HUZITA, Elisa Hatsue Moriya. OntoDiSENv1: an Ontology to Support Global Software Development. CLEI Electronic Journal, v. 14, p. 1-12, 2011.
Refereed Conference/Workshop Papers
CHOUDHURI, Rudrajit; LIU, Dylan; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A.; SARMA, Anita. "How Far Are We? The Triumphs and Trials of Generative AI in Learning Software Engineering." In 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024). ACM, New York.
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; GEROSA, Marco A.; STEINMACHER, Igor. "Unraveling the Drivers of Sense of Belonging in Software Delivery Teams: Insights from a Large-Scale Survey." In 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024). ACM, New York.
GARCIA, Emily Arteaga; PIMENTEL, João Felipe; FENG, Zixuan; GEROSA, Marco; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita. 2023. How to Support ML End-User Programmers through a Conversational Agent. In 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024). ACM, New York [PDF]
DAVILA, Nicole; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; LUCIO, Lucas, KAWAMOTO, André; FAVARO, Gilson José Peres; NUNES, Ingrid. An Industry Case Study on Adoption of AI-based Programming Assistants. ICSE Software Engineering In Practice (ICSE-SEIP 2024).
PINTO, Gustavo; SOUZA, Cleidson; ROCHA, Thayssa; STEINMACHER, Igor; SOUZA, Alberto; MONTEIRO, Edward. Developer Experiences with a Contextualized AI Coding Assistant: Usability, Expectations, and Outcomes. In: 3rd International Conference on AI Engineering —Software Engineering for AI (CAIN 2024).
ARACENA, Gabriel; LUSTER, Kyle; SANTOS, Fabio; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A. Applying Large Language Models API to Issue Classification Problem. In: 3rd Intl. Workshop on NL-based Software Engineering (NBLSE 2024)
PENNEY, Jacob McAuley; PIMENTEL, João Felipe; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A. "Anticipating User Needs: Insights from Design Fiction on Conversational Agents for Computational Thinking", In CONVERSATIONS 2023.
FRONCHETTI, Felipe; SHEPHERD, David; WIESE, Igor; TREUDE, Christoph; GEROSA, Marco A.; STEINMACHER, Igor. "Do CONTRIBUTING Files Provide Information about OSS Newcomers' Onboarding Barriers?", In Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 3-9, 2023. , pp. 16-28. ACM.
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; STOL, Klaas-Jan; SARMA, Anita; GERMAN, Daniel M.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio, STEINMACHER, Igor. Do I Belong? Modeling Sense of Virtual Community Among Linux Kernel Contributors. ICSE 2023: 319-331
MATSUBARA, Patrícia G. F.; STEINMACHER, Igor; GADELHA, Bruno; CONTE, Tayana. Moving on from the Software Engineers' Gambit: An Approach to Support the Defense of Software Effort Estimates. ICSE 2023: 703-715
GUIZANI, Mariam; CASTRO-GUZMAN, Aileen Abril; SARMA, Anita; STEINMACHER, Igor. Rules of Engagement: Why and How Companies Participate in OSS. ICSE 2023: 2617-2629
SANTOS, Italo; PIMENTEL, João Felipe; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Designing for Cognitive Diversity: Improving the GitHub Experience for Newcomers. ICSE (SEIS) 2023: 1-12
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; STOL, Klaas-Jan; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio, SARMA, Anita; LARA, Marcelo; FEATHERS, Michael; ROSS, Nicholas; BISHOP, Kevin. A Model for Understanding and Reducing Developer Burnout. ICSE-SEIP 2023: 48-60
SALERNO, Larissa; TONHAO, Simone de França; STEINMACHER, Igor; TREUDE, Christoph. Barriers and Self-Efficacy: A Large-Scale Study on the Impact of OSS Courses on Student Perceptions. ITiCSE (1) 2023: 320-326
VARGOVICH, Joseph; SANTOS, Fabio; PENNEY, Jacob; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; STEINMACHER Igor. GiveMeLabeledIssues: An Open Source Issue Recommendation System. MSR 2023: 402-406
SANTOS, Fabio; PENNEY, Jacob; PIMENTEL, João Felipe; WIESE, IGOR; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Tell Me Who Are You Talking to and I Will Tell You What Issues Need Your Skills. MSR 2023: 611-623
LUZ, Carlos D.; OLIVEIRA JR., Edson; STEINMACHER, Igor (2023), "A Conceptual Model to Support Teaching of Software Engineering Controlled (Quasi-)Experiments", In Proceedings of the XXXVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, SBES 2023, Campo Grande, Brazil, September 25-29, 2023. , pp. 236-245. ACM.
TONHÃO, Simone de França; SHIGENAGA, Marcelo; HERCULANI, Julio; MEDEIROS, Andressa; AMARAL, Aline; SILVA, Williamson; COLANZI, Thelma; STEINMACHER, Igor, "Gamification in Software Engineering Education: a Tertiary Study", In Proceedings of the XXXVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, SBES 2023, Campo Grande, Brazil, September 25-29, 2023. , pp. 358-367. ACM.
MATSUBARA, Patricia; STEINMACHER, Igor; GADELHA, Bruno; CONTE, Tayana. "SwEDeL: Software Estimates' Defense Lenses Designed from Negotiation Methods", In Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, SBQS 2023, Brasilia, Brazil, November 7-10, 2023. , pp. 352-354. ACM.
LUZ, Carlos Danilo; OLIVEIRA JR., Edson; STEINMACHER, Igor. How Experimentation in Software Engineering has been taught? Survey and Research Agenda. EASE 2022: 299-304
SANTOS, Fabio; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; PIMENTEL, João Felipe; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. How to Choose a Task? Mismatches in Perspectives of Newcomers and Existing Contributors. ESEM 2022: 114-124
WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; ABDELLATIF, Ahmad ; WIESE, Igor Scaliante ; CONTE, Tayana U. ; SHIHAB, Emad ; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio ; STEINMACHER, Igor. Bots for Pull Requests: The Good, the Bad, and the Promising. In: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2022), 2022. p. 1-13. [PDF]
GUIZANI, Mariam; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; CASTRO-GUZMAN, Aileen A.; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco; SARMA, Anita. Perceptions of the State of D&I and D&I Initiative in the ASF. 44th International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Society Track (ICSE-SEIS 2022)
GUIZANI, Mariam; STEINMACHER, Igor; EMARD, Jillian; FALLATAH, Abrar; BURNETT, Margaret; SARMA, Anita. How to Debug Inclusivity Bugs? A Debugging Process with Information Architecture. 44th International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Society Track (ICSE-SEIS 2022)
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; BRITTO, Ricardo; GEROSA, Marco; STEINMACHER, Igor. An Empirical Investigation on the Challenges Faced by Women in the Software Industry: A Case Study. In: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results Track (ICSE-NIER 2022), 2022.
MATSUBARA, Patricia; STEINMACHER, Igor; GADELHA, Bruno; CONTE, Tayana. The best defense is a good defense: adapting negotiation methods for tackling pressure over software project estimates. In: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results Track (ICSE-NIER 2022), 2022. [PDF]
DIAS, Edson; MEIRELLES, Paulo; CASTOR, Fernando; STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor; PINTO, Gustavo. What Makes a Great Maintainer of Open Source Projects? In: 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering. Madrid, Spain. June 2021. [PDF]
GEROSA, Marco A.; WIESE, Igor; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; LINK, Georg; ROBLES, Gregorio; TREUDE, Christoph; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita. The Shifting Sands of Motivation: Revisiting What Drives Contributors in Open Source. In: 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering. Madrid, Spain. June 2021. [PDF]
WESSEL, Mairieli; WIESE, Igor;GEROSA, Marco A; STEINMACHER, Igor. Don't Disturb Me: Challenges of Interacting with Software Bots on Open Source Software Projects. In: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2021), 2021 [PDF]
GUIZANI, Mariam; CHATTERJEE, Amreeta, TRINKENREICH, Bianca; MAY, Mary Evelyn; NOA, Geraldine J.; RUSSEL, Liam J.; ZAMBRANO, Griselda Cuevas; IZQUIERDO, Daniel; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A.; SARMA, Anita. The Long Road Ahead: Ongoing Challenges in Contributing to Large OSS Organizations and What to Do. In: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2021), 2021. [PDF]
SANTOS, Fabio; WIESE, Igor; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita; GEROSA, Marco A. Can I Solve it? Identifying the APIs required to complete OSS tasks. In: International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2021), 2021, Virtual. International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2021), 2021. p. 1-12. [PDF]
MATSUBARA, Patricia; STEINMACHER, Igor; GADELHA, Bruno; CONTE, Tayana. Buying time in software development: how estimates become commitments? In: 14th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2021), 2021, Virtual. 2021 [PDF]
MATSUBARA, Patricia; STEINMACHER, Igor; MALDONADO, José; GADELHA, Bruno;CONTE, Tayana. Trust yourself! Or maybe not: factors related to overconfidence and uncertainty assessments of software effort estimates. In: 2021 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2021), 2021.
TONHÃO, Simone; COLANZI, Thelma; STEINMACHER, Igor. Using Real Worked Examples to Aid Software Engineering Teaching. In: 2021 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Education Trach (SBES Education 2021), 2021. [PDF]
TRINKENREICH, Bianca; GUIZANI, Mariam; WIESE, Igor; SARMA, Anita; STEINMACHER, Igor. Hidden Figures: Roles and Pathways of Successful OSS Contributors. In: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2020), 2020. [PDF] [Honorable Mention]
SILVA, Jefferson; WIESE, Igor; GERMAN, Daniel; TREUDE, Christoph; GEROSA, Marco A.; STEINMACHER, Igor. A Theory of the Engagement in Open Source Projects via Summer of Code Programs. ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2020) [PDF]
WESSEL, Mairieli; SEREBRENIK, Alexander; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A.. Effects of Adopting Code Review Bots on Pull Requests to OSS Projects. In: 36th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2020). [PDF] [IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Award]
ANDERSON, John; STEINMACHER, Igor; RODEGHERO, Paige Assessing the Characteristics of FOSS Contributions in Network Automation Projects. In: 36th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2020). [PDF]
BALALI, Sogol; ANNAMALAI, Umayal; PADALA; Susmita; TRINKENREICH, Bianca; GEROSA, Marco A.; STEINMACHER, Igor; SARMA, Anita. Recommending Tasks to Newcomers in OSS Projects: How Do Mentors Handle It? 16th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2020) [PDF] [Best Paper Award]
FRONCHETTI, Luiz Felipe; BARBOSA, Caio; PINTO, Gustavo; STEINMACHER, Igor; FONSECA, Baldoino; RIBEIRO, Márcio; TREUDE, Christoph, ALENCAR, Daniel. Refactoring from 9 to 5? What and When Employees and Volunteers Contribute to OSS. In: IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2020) [PDF]
WESSEL, Mairieli; SEREBRENIK, Alexander; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A. What to Expect from Code Review Bots on GitHub? A Survey with OSS Maintainers. In: 2020 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Insightful Ideas and Emergent Results Track (SBES 2020). [PDF]
TONHÃO, Simone de França; COLANZI, Thelma Elita; STEINMACHER, Igor. Portal for Cataloging Worked Examples Extracted from Open Source Software. In: 2020 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Insightful Ideas and Emergent Results Track (SBES 2020). [PDF]
SILVA, Williamson; GADELHA, Bruno; STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U. Towards an Open Repository for Teaching Software Modeling applying Active Learning Strategies. In: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering Education and Training Track (ICSE-SEET 2020). [PDF]
BERTONCELLO, Marcus; PINTO, Gustavo; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor. Pull Requests or Commits? Which Method Should We Use to Study Contributors’ Behavior?. In:27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering - REproducibility Studies and NEgative Results Track (SANER-RENE Track). 2020. [PDF]
ZANATTA, Alexandre; MACHADO, Leticia; STEINMACHER, Igor; PRIKLADNICKI, Rafael; DE SOUZA, Cleidson R. B.. Strategies for Crowdworkers to Overcome Barriers in Competition-based Software Crowdsourcing Development. In: 13th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE Short Paper). 2020. [PDF]
MACHADO, Leticia; STEINMACHER, Igor; MARCZAK, Sabrina; DE SOUZA, Cleidson R. B. How Online Forums Complement Task Documentation in Software Crowdsourcing. In: 13th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE). 2020. [PDF]
WESSEL, Mairieli; STEINMACHER, Igor. The Evil Side of Software Bots on Pull Requests. 2nd International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (BotSE). 2020. [PDF]
DOMINIC, James; HOUSER, Jada; STEINMACHER, Igor; RITTER, Charles; RODEGHERO, Paige. Conversational Bot for Newcomers Onboarding to Open Source Projects. 2nd International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (BotSE). 2020. [PDF]
PINTO, Gustavo; FERREIRA, Clarice; SOUZA, Cleice; STEINMACHER, Igor; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Training Software Engineers using Open-Source Software: The Students' Perspective. In: 41st International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering Education and Training Track (ICSE-SEET 2019). 2019. [PDF]
DIAS, Luiz Felipe; WIESE, Igor; PINTO, Gustavo; STEINMACHER, Igor. What Attract Newcomers to Onboard on OSS Projects? TL;DR Popularity. In: 15th International Conference of Open-Source Systems (OSS), Montreal, Canada, 2019. [PDF]
WESSEL, Mairieli; STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor; GEROSA, Marco A. Should I Stale or Should I Close? An Analysis of a Bot that Closes Abandoned Issues and Pull Requests. In: 1st International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (BOTSE'19). Montreal, Canada, May 2019. [PDF]
IAFFALDANO, Giuseppe; STEINMACHER, Igor; CALEFATO, Fabio; LANUBILE, Filippo; GEROSA, Marco A. Why do developers take breaks from contributing to OSS projects? A preliminary analysis. In: 2nd International Workshop on Software Health (SoHeal 2019), Montreal, Canada, 2019. [PDF]
VAZ, Luis; STEINMACHER, Igor; MARCZAK, Sabrina. An Empirical Study on Task Documentation in Software Crowdsourcing on TopCoder. In: International Conference on Global Sofware Engineering (ICGSE 2019), Montreal, Canada, 2019. [PDF]
LOPES, Adriana Lopes; STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana. UML Acceptance: Analyzing the Students' Perception of UML Diagrams. In Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Education Track (SBES Education 2019). pp. 264–272.
PACHECO, Fabio; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; CARTAXO, Bruno; PINTO, Gustavo. How Open is the SBES PC Community? In: XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2019). Short paper.
NASCIMENTO, Elizamary; AHMED, Iftekhar; OLIVEIRA, Edson Cesar; PALHETA, Marcio P.; STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U. Understanding Development Process of Machine Learning Systems: Challenges and Solutions. In: ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2019), 2019. p. 1-6.
WESSEL, Mairiel; DE SOUZA, Bruno M.; STEINMACHER, Igor, WIESE, Igor Scaliante; POLATO, Ivanilton; CHAVES, Ana Paula; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. The Power of Bots: Characterizing and Understanding Bots in Open Source Software Projects. In: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2018), New York, USA. 2018. [PDF]
ANICHE, Mauricio; TREUDE, Christoph; STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor Scaliante; PINTO, Gustavo; STOREY, Margaret-Ann; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. How Modern News Aggregators Help Development Communities Shape and Share Knowledge. In: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden. 2018. p. 1-12. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; PINTO, Gustavo H. L.; WIESE, Igor Scaliante; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Almost There: A Study on Quasi-Contributors in Open-Source Software Projects. In: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden. 2018. p. 1-12. [PDF]
PINTO, Gustavo; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Leaving Behind the Software History When Transitioning to Open Source: Reasons and Implications. In: The 14th International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2018). Athens, Greece, 2018. [PDF]
PINTO, Gustavo; DIAS, Luiz Felipe; STEINMACHER, Igor. Who Gets a Patch Accepted First? Comparing the Contributions of Employees and Volunteers. In:11th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2018). Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018. [PDF]
ZANATTA, Alexandre; MACHADO, Leticia; STEINMACHER, Igor. Competence, Collaboration, and Time Management: Barriers and Recommendations for Crowdworkers. In: The 5th International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering (CSI-SE 2018). Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018. [PDF]
VAZ, Luis; MARCZAK, Sabrina; STEINMACHER, Igor. Um Estudo Empírico sobre Documentação de Tarefas em Software Crowdsourcing. In: XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2018), 2018. p. 1-10. [PDF]
SILVA, Williamson GADELHA, Bruno; STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U. Modelar individualmente ou em grupo faz diferença no aprendizado?. In: Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2018) - Education Track, 2018. p. 1-10. [PDF]
MORAES, Clarice; SOUZA, Cleice; PINTO, Gustavo; STEINMACHER, Igor; MEIRELLES, Paulo. When Students Become Contributors: Leveraging OSS Contributions in Software Engineering Courses. In: Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2018) - Education Track, 2018. p 1-10 [PDF]
TOSCANI, Carolina; OLIVEIRA, Daniel; STEINMACHER, Igor; MARCZAK, Sabrina. A Gamification Proposal to Support the Onboarding of Newcomers in the FLOSSCoach Portal. In: XVII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 2018). [PDF SOON]
SILVA, Jefferson O.; WIESE, Igor Scaliante; GERMAN, Daniel; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio. How Long and How Much: What to Expect from Summer of Code Participants?. In: 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2017. p. 1-10. [PDF]
DINIZ, Guilherme; GRACIOTTO SILVA, Marco A.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio ; STEINMACHER, Igor. Using Gamification to Orient and Motivate Students to Contribute to OSS projects. In: 10th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2017), Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2017. p. 1-7. [PDF]
PINTO, Gustavo; STEINMACHER, Igor; FIGUEIRA FILHO, Fernando M.; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio . Training the Next Generation of Software Engineers using Open-Source Software: An Interview Study. In: 30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 2017. [PDF]
SILVA, Williamson; STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U. Is It Better to Learn from Problems or Erroneous Examples?. In: 30th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), 2017. [PDF]
DIAS, Luiz Felipe; SANTOS, Jhoylan; STEINMACHER, Igor; PINTO, Gustavo. Who Drives Company-Owned OSS Projects: Employees or Volunteers?. In: 5th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution, and Maintenance (VEM’2017). Fortaleza, Brazil, 2017. [PDF] [Best Paper Award!]
DE NEIRA, Anderson B.; WIESE, Igor Scaliante ; STEINMACHER, Igor. Uma Análise Preliminar da Hiperespecialização no Contexto de Crowdsourcing na Plataforma Topcoder. In: 5th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution, and Maintenance (VEM’2017). Fortaleza, Brazil, 2017. [PDF]
SILVA, Jefferson O.; WIESE, Igor Scaliante; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio. Engajamento de Estudantes em Projetos de Software Livre: Uma Análise do Google Summer of Code. In: Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), 2017, Fortaleza-CE, 2017. p. 1-10. [PDF ]
TOSCANI, Carolina; STEINMACHER, Igor; MARCZAK, Sabrina. Gamificando o Portal para Novatos em Software Livre FLOSSCoach: Insights de uma Avaliação Preliminar. In: XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2017), 2017. p. 1-15. [PDF]
SILVA, Williamson; STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U. Apoiando o Ensino de Diagrama de Atividades através de um jogo educacional. In: 25 Workshop sobre Educação em Computação (WEI), 2017. p. 1-10 [PDF]
STEINMACHER, IGOR; CONTE, Tayana U.; TREUDE, Christoph ; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio . Overcoming Open Source Project Entry Barriers with a Portal for Newcomers. In: International Conference on Software Engineering, 2016 (ICSE 2016), Austin-TX, USA. International Conference on Software Engineering, 2016. p. 1-12. [PDF]
SARMA, Anita; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; STEINMACHER, Igor; LEANO, Rafael. Training the Future Workforce through Task Curation in an OSS Ecosystem. In: Foundations on Software Engineering (FSE'16) - Visions and Reflections track, 2016, Seattle, WA. 2016. p. 934-937. [PDF]
PINTO, Gustavo H. L.; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio . More Common Than You Think: An In-Depth Study of Casual Contributors. In: 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER'2016), 2016, Osaka, Japão. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER'2016), 2016. p. 1-12. [PDF]
WIESE, Igor Scaliante; STEINMACHER, Igor, GEROSA, Marco. Who is who in the mailing list? Comparing six disambiguation heuristics to identify multiple addresses of a participant. In: 32nd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2016). pp 1-11 [PDF]
NASCIMENTO, Elizamary; SILVA, Williamson; STEINMACHER, Igor; MASSOLLAR, Jobson; TRAVASSOS, Guilherme H; CONTE, Tayana U. Uma imagem fala mais que mil palavras? Análise comparativa entre o uso de abordagens textual e gráfica para especificar Casos de Uso. In: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2016, Maringá-PR. XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2016. p. 1-10. [PDF]
DIAS, Luiz Felipe F.; STEINMACHER, Igor; PINTO, Gustavo H. L. ; COSTA, Daniel A.; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio. How Does the Shift to GitHub Impact Project Collaboration? In: 2nd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (Early Research Achievements track). Raleigh, NC, USA. 2016. p.1 - 4 [PDF]
SILVA, Jefferson O.; STEINMACHER, IGOR; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio . Os Programas de Engajamento em Software Livre Atraem Estudantes à Colaboração Voluntária? Um Estudo Empírico do Google Summer of Code. In: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos - SBSC 2016, 2016, Porto Alegre-RS. Anais do XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2016), 2016. p. 1-15. [PDF]
CHAVES, Ana Paula; STEINMACHER, IGOR; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio . Por onde quero ir? Interesses pessoais na escolha de um trajeto urbano. In: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos - SBSC 2016, 2016, Porto Alegre-RS. Anais do XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2016), 2016. p. 1-13. [PDF]
"DIAS, Luiz Felipe F.; STEINMACHER, IGOR; WIESE, IGOR; PINTO, Gustavo H. L.; COSTA, Daniel A.; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio. Migrar para o Ambientes de Codificação Social é Sinônimo de Mais Contribuições? Uma Análise Preliminar do Github. In: IV Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM 2016), 2016, Maringá-PR. Anais do Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM 2016), 2016. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U.; REDMILES, David F.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Social Barriers Faced by Newcomers Placing Their First Contribution in Open Source Software Projects. In: The 18th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2015). ACM, 2015. p. 1-13. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Understanding and Supporting the Choice of an Appropriate Task to Start With In Open Source Software Communities. In: Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE, 2015. p. 1-10. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Fostering Free/Libre Open Source Software community formation: guidelines for communities to support newcomers onboarding. In: XVI Workshop de Software Livre, 2015. p. 1-10. [PDF]
PRUDENCIO, Mariana M. V.; COGO, Filipe R.; CHAVES, Ana Paula; STEINMACHER, Igor. Participação de Mulheres em Projetos de Software Livre: Caso da Comunidade Brasileira da Mozilla Foundation. In: XVI Workshop de Software Livre, 2015. p. 1-8. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor; CONTE, Tayana U.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Increasing the self-efficacy of newcomers to Open Source Software projects. In: Proceedings of the 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2015. v. 1. [PDF]
WIESE, Igor; RÉ, Reginaldo; STEINMACHER, Igor; KURODA, Rodrigo; OLIVA, Gustavo A.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Informações contextuais do desenvolvimento de software na predição de propagação de mudanças. In: Proceedings of the 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2015. v. 1. [PDF]
RAMOS, Felipe V.; CHAVES, Ana Paula; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; STEINMACHER, Igor. Um estudo exploratório sobre contribuições casuais em projetos de software livre: caso do projeto LibreOffice. In: Anais do IX Workshop em Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software, Ecossistemas de Software e Sistemas-de-Sistemas (WDES 2015), 2015. [PDF]
SILVA, Jefferson O.; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Pagamento Atrai Colaboradores de Longo Prazo ou Prestadores de Serviço? Uma Investigação Inicial sobre o Google Summer of Code 2014. In: Anais do XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2015), 2015. [PDF]
SILVA, José Teodoro; WIESE, Igor; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Quem é quem na lista de discussão? Identificando diferentes e-mails de um mesmo participante. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de SIstemas Colaborativos, 2015, Salvador-BA. Anais do XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos (SBSC 2015), 2015. [PDF]
GERALDI, Ricardo; CONTE, Tayana U.; STEINMACHER, Igor; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Edson Alves de. Checklist-based Inspection of SMarty Variability Models: Proposal and Empirical Feasibility Study. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2015. p. 1-8.
STEINMACHER, Igor; GRACIOTTO SILVA, M. A.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Barriers faced by newcomers to open source projects: a systematic review. In: The 10th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference on Open Source Systems, 2014. p. 153-163. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor S.; CONTE, Tayana U.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; REDMILES, David F. The hard life of open source software project newcomers. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2014). ACM Press. p. 72. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; REDMILES, David F.. Onboarding, and Retaining Newcomer Developers in Open Source Software Projects. I. In: Workshop of Global Software Development in a CSCW perspective (Workshop of 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing), 2014. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; CHAVES, Ana Paula; CONTE, Tayana U.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Preliminary Empirical Identification of Barriers Faced by Newcomers to Open Source Software Projects. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), 2014. p. 51-60. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Choosing an Appropriate Task to Start With In Open Source Software Communities: a Hard Task. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Collaboration and Technology, 2014. p. 1-8. [PDF]
WIESE, Igor S.; COGO, Filipe R.; RÉ, Reginaldo; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Social Metrics included in Prediction Models on Software Engineering: A Mapping Study. In: PROMISE - The 10th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering, 2014. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor; CHAVES, Ana Paula; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Why do newcomers abandon open source software projects?. In: 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2013), 2013. p. 25-32. [PDF]
SCHWERZ, André Luís; Liberato, Rafael; WIESE, Igor S.; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; Ferreira, João Eduardo. Predizendo a Participação de Desenvolvedores em Discussões em Projetos de Software Livre. In: Anais do WSL 2013, 2013. p. 1-16. [PDF]
OLIVA, Gustavo A.; STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. What can commit metadata tell us about design degradation?. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution - IWPSE 2013. New York: ACM Press. p. 18-27. [PDF]
FONTOURA, Vidal D.; WIESE, Igor S.; STEINMACHER, Igor; RÉ, Reginaldo; SILVA, José Teodoro; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Uma abordagem para classificação de construção de software utilizando redes de comunicação e cooperação. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (X Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna), 2013. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; GRACIOTTO SILVA, Marco Aurélio; COGO, Filipe R.; CHAVES, Ana Paula; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Tópicos de pesquisa e rede de coautoria no Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos. In: X Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos. New York: ACM, 2013. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor S.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Recommending mentors to software project newcomers. In: 2012 Third International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE), 2012. p. 63-67. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor S.; CHAVES, Ana Paula; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Newcomers Withdrawal in Open Source Software Projects: Analysis of Hadoop Common Project. In: 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems (SBSC), 2012, Sao Paulo. 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems. p. 65. [PDF]
SILVA, José Teodoro; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio; WIESE, Igor; RÉ, Reginaldo; STEINMACHER, Igor. An Extensible Service for Experts Recommendation on Distributed Software Development Projects. In: 2012 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Global Software Engineering Workshops, 2012. p. 18. [PDF]
SILVA, José Teodoro; WIESE, Igor S.; STEINMACHER, Igor; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. MinerAll: Uma ferramenta para extração e mineração de dados de repositórios de software livre. In: XII Workshop de Software Livre, 2011. [PDF]
CHAVES, Ana Paula; STEINMACHER, Igor; VIEIRA, Vaninha. Social networks and collective inteligence applied to public transportation systems: A survey. In: Anais do VIII Simposio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, 2011. p. 16-23. [PDF]
FONTOURA, VIdal Daniel; STEINMACHER, Igor; WIESE, Igor S.; GEROSA, Marco Aurélio. Predição de falhas em projetos de software baseado em métricas de redes sociais de comunicação e cooperação. In: Anais do VIII Simposio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos, 2011. p. 37-40. [PDF]
STEINMACHER, Igor; CHAVES, Ana Paula; GEROSA, Marco Aurelio. Awareness Support in Global Software Development: A Systematic Review Based on the 3C Collaboration Model. In: 16th CRIWG Conference on Collaboration and Technology, 2010, Maastricht. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010. v. 6257. p. 185-201. [PDF]
Ph.D. Dissertation
STEINMACHER, Igor. Supporting newcomers to overcome the barriers to contribute to open source software projects. PhD Dissertation. Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - University of São Paulo. 2015. 164 p. [PDF]